Sunday, April 01, 2012

We still haven't had any rain to speak of here in London for several weeks now. It won't be long now before we get the dreaded hosepipe ban. Surprisingly, it looks like these giant Venetian snails are enjoying themselves down on my allotment!
I went out this morning and the plot was covered in them!
Munching into every fresh delicacy they could find.
They must have come over here hidden in my hand luggage.
These giant Venetian snails are more at home in the water sodden gardens of Venice.
Perhaps I should let DEFRA know of this exotic invasive species.
Before they munch their way through my entire garden.
Or perhaps if they eat enough of these garlic chives we could find another tastier solution!


  1. Looks as though Leo will be on an escargot diet this summer.

  2. I detect some naughtiness here

  3. Oh what foolish snails coming out to play when it's so dry :)

  4. Funny!! Beautiful shells though. Nice to top bamboo pole supports so one doesn't lose an eye.

  5. Wow, they are beautiful. Nice photos.
