Spring Lambs!
These days more and more people want to know where their food comes from. Today I visited my friend's smallholding in Bedfordshire.
Matron grows vegetables and fruit in a Hampshire garden. I've been growing veggies since I was knee high to a grasshopper. Some traditional varieties and old favourites as well as new ideas. I share my garden with my allotment assistant Daisy the Labrador. On Twitter as @MatronsVeggies
These days more and more people want to know where their food comes from. Today I visited my friend's smallholding in Bedfordshire.
It is spring lambing time here too. We have Boer goats. I'll blog some photos of them sometime. We've also had Angora goats--love them, love the fiber, don't like preparing it for spinning!! Nice photos--and you are so right--not enough people know where their food comes from.
I have to wonder - if more kids met the baby lambs, cows, chicks, etc, would more of them want to be vegetarians? As someone who doesn't eat meat myself, it always makes me think how weird it is that most of children's books anthropomorphize farm animals, then kids are expected to chow down on them at dinnertime. I'm not proslytizing here, just musing on another side of the issue. Those sure are beautiful sheep! I hope all of these have their spots in the right places...
Love the sheep and the airship hangers in the background. Visited a similar one (airship hanger that is!) here in the states in Oregon year's ago - very impressive space inside of one of those!
Lambing and calving season is one of those official declarations of spring. All is right with the world when the babies arrive and the trees bud out and/or bloom.
what little cuties. we hope to be adding lambs to our farm soon.
They are lovely, thank you for sharing these with us!
Oh, man. Taking pictures of plane hangars? You'd have Homeland Security all over your blog in the U.S. :) I LOVE that last picture. So arrogant, so defiant, so proud to be a lamb!!
CCM - These are actually pre World War 2 Airship hangars, and big enough to fit a whole Zeppelin inside. Nowadays they are hired out for film making. Batman and Austin Powers were filmed there in the past couple of years!
They are lovely sheep, thanks for sharing the pictures.
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