Sunday, August 30, 2009

Tomato Glut!

This is one of the days that every gardener works towards all year. I can barely remember way back in February when I planted my first seeds in a heated propagator in the greenhouse. All that careful attention for weeks and months. For this! Each year I learn what works well in my allotment and what does not. Every gardener has different soils, different climate and aspects. The joint star prize this year goes to the large purple beefsteak Noir du Crimee and to the Chocolate Cherry.


  1. What a pretty selection of tomato varieties! The Noir du Crimee is the prettiest in my opinion and it sounds like it is a winner as far as production goes. What's the taste like?

  2. The picture is a work of art!
    I love growing tomatoes. So annoying that the blight problem stops me growing many more outdoors.

  3. That is beautiful! Bet they taste pretty good too {smile}

  4. Gorgeous display ! Well worth the care and attention for weeks and months.
    Welcome back Matron. Looks like you had a delightful trip.

  5. Beautiful tomatoes and a beautiful arrangement.

  6. What a colorful palate!

  7. That is a beautiful sight! How did the cream sausage taste? Is it worth me giving it a try next year?

  8. Black Krim are so tasty, I will definitely be getting some going this season (I'm in NZ). Last season our tomatoes didn't do very well so fingers crossed for a better on this year.

  9. Smashing selection and well done to a great gardener too!

  10. Can you hear me weeping, no make that sobbing, disconsolately? We have yet to pick our first vine-ripened tomato--not counting cherry varieties. It looks like you had a wonderful holiday! On a non-garden related note, we just watched the docu "Pedigree Dogs Exposed." I hear it will be showing in the states later this year.

  11. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Having a picture like that to look forward to and taking a peek at it every now and then during the long months of work is a good motivation to stick to it! Gorgeous.

  12. What a great collection.
    I'm trying to control my envy.

  13. Anonymous8:19 AM

    pass the tissue curmudgeon. how very lovely they look and I can almost taste them just from looking

  14. What a lovely colourful mix! I grew a couple of varieties this year and both were blighted but we've still been eating them daily for just over a month now, as I picked them green and most have slowly ripened.
