Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Where in the World is Bilbo?: London

Welcome to London Bilbo! Bilbo arrived safely from Ireland this morning, no time to lose so off we went to explore London together. Big Ben and Bilbo! Bilbo at Buckingham Palace!
Bilbo having tea and chocolate cake in the garden at Buckingham Palace. He never dreamed last week when he was kissing the Blarney stone in Ireland, that this week he would be having tea with the Queen at Buckingham Palace!
Here he is enjoying the palace gardens from the terrace.
Next stop, New Scotland Yard!
And finally, Bilbo had always wanted to see the London Eye - here he is!
And a ride home on the London Underground. Here he is at Baker Street! but sadly no sign of Mr Sherlock Holmes!
Safely back home now inspecting Matron's tomatoes.
Taking a ride on Matron's sweetcorn!
Sitting on Matron's Pumpkin!
It has been hard work today, Bilbo was getting thirsty so time for a pint of the best beer in the world!
Bilbo and Buddy are now good friends.
If you want Bilbo to visit you, please leave a comment on this post by Saturday 15th August when I will make the draw to see who will have him next. If successful I will need to know your postal address on Sunday 16th August at the very latest. I will post him to you at 9am Monday morning then I am going away on holiday for 2 weeks!


  1. Please put my name in the draw...I have been chasing Bilbo all over the world!!

  2. What a great tour of London and your garden! It looks like he was treated to many of London's finest from tea and chocolate cake to beer.
    I'm sure all of your veggies passed his inspection. I enjoyed seeing his visit there.
    He's already visited me, but I wanted to see how his visit there was.

  3. Bilbo is such a lucky gold gnome to be hosted by Matron.

    He seems to be having a great time. And I for one am enjoying his travels!

  4. That is so cool! Oh, I want him to visit me!!!! I would take him to all kinds of interesting places around my home.

  5. Haha - I would LOVE Bilbo to come and visit me - then I could teach him about proper Northern beer!!! I think he'd love Pale Rider.

    We may not have all the posh London things, but Chesterfield does boast a wonky steeple - maybe a visit from Bilbo would shock it into straightening up?! :)

  6. I'm up for bilbo visiting me , but around March April time , so I can take him diving in NZ, he may even get a visit to Hobbiton

  7. He'd do best to keep away from my garden, it's cursed by weeds, floods and blight!

  8. Bilbo needs to come to see me. I will take him on a tour of Seattle, including a ride on the ferry, and a visit to the pike street market.

  9. Hi Matron - what fun you've had with Bilbo!

    Now he's got a taste for a pint, maybe he'd like to pop over to Suffolk to savour some local brews, see the harvest in full swing and take a tour of my garden with the under-gardeners.


  10. Look how we have all taken Bilbo to our hearts!

    It's such fun!

  11. Bilbo is having the time of his life. Tea with the queen is the ultimate for Bilbo. I love the pics of Bilbo and Buddy.

  12. I can't offer Bilbo tea with The Queen, but he might enjoy The View From Bag End and a visit to the Lake District, don't think he's been to Cumbria yet?

    hugs, the "other" Bilbo!

  13. Ya'll can see all of Bilbo's travels over on my page. I have all the links posted on the right side of my blog.

  14. I'm sure that NOWHERE Bilbo visits after this, will come close to his London visit, but I'm sure he is getting a little homesick for the beautiful Southern States! So put my name in the draw and perhaps his luck will be to get home for a short visit before he starts another whirlwind tour! :)

  15. Anonymous8:41 PM

    Oh yes, I would love to host Bilbo for a time. The Delaware River Valley is just ripe with places for a curious gnome to visit. -Amy jean

  16. Please put my name in the draw-I am sure he would love Prince Edward Island.


  17. If they are treating Bilbo with a nice Big Mac near Big Ben in London, I will consider offering him a bowl of sweet Tapioca Pudding in Putrajaya if he is here... I will also let him see for himself that Roselle is not a girl after all but a plant with red buds all over.. ~ bangchik, Putrajaya, Malaysia.

  18. I love Bilbo, that's one lucky gnome! But I doubt he would want to come back to Ireland, he seems to have his eyes set on greater adventures. Though in saying that, I live in Northern Ireland so... Well you had better ask him. x Good grief, the Queen knows how to make good looking chocolate cake! Bless you mam

  19. Oh my goodness! I absolutely LOVE Bilbo's new adventures! He is one lucky guy. New Scotland Yard??? I'm so jealous. Riding your sweet corn, how cool! Great, great pics! (He's been here, so don't put my name in the drawing.)
