Monday, September 07, 2009

My Lovely Beetroot

I am so pleased with these beetroot 'Cylindra'. The tip of the plant just stays in the soil and the top just gets taller and taller and eventually they lie on their sides or they prop each other up in a huddle! Really great to slice them when they are cooked too! I am still picking gluts of multi coloured tomatoes too. This batch filled to the top of the pressure cooker and is reducing down to sauce as we speak.
Not all of them go for paste, there are still plenty to enjoy drizzled in olive oyl, balsamic vinegar, salt and pepper. I will savour this moment and remember it next February when the supermarkets are offering their pathetic, pale offerings.
I have picked some of the pumpkins as the vines have died back completely. Others I am leaving on the plant as long as possible. These will be left to 'cure' in a warm, dry place. The skins need to harden in order to keep them through the Winter. These blue squash are good Winter keepers.


  1. Lovely tomatoes and squash. I'd love to hear more about how you use the pressure cooker to reduce tomatoes into sauce. I have a pressure cooker but I've only used it for pressure canning.

  2. How lovely is that array of pumpkins and squash ! Those beets are amazing too. I'm taking notes !

  3. I've only got one squash so far - although another is ripening on the plant. It's a Turk's Turban. Yours are such lovely colours.

  4. Those beets are so neat! They look like sausages. I'm very jealous of your pumpkins. Mine had a terrible year.

  5. Wonderful assortment of veggies. Congrats!

  6. I tried to grow Cylindra last year and was unsuccessful. I may have to give them a try again next year.

    Tomatoes look wonderful! Enjoy.

  7. Marian(LondonUK)7:56 AM

    Wow, I am very envious, they look so pretty and taste so good!i It is my first year with an allotment and the Pumpkins didn't do well at all, I didn't have enough time (plus it wasn't the right time) after clearing it to get manure etc in, so guess that is the problem.
    Thanks for Tomatillo tip was gifted one by a lottie neighbour now I know what to do with it, Cheers!!

  8. kitsapFG - I tried to grow these last year and failed too! perhaps they are a bit 'miffy'

  9. You certainly have green, or is that red, yellow, purple and orange fingers Matron. Beautiful looking produce which makes my mouth water just looking at the pictures.

  10. Anonymous1:36 PM

    I agree with Marian, I am quite jealous of all your beautiful produce. The blue squash, I don't think I've eaten one before - what does it taste like?

  11. What a beautiful collection of squash! It really looks like a fall photo. And your beets are very interesting. I couldn't seem to grow any root crops - not sure why. They were hard and woody.

  12. Those beautiful tomatoes remind me of 'Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans' of Harry Potter fame.
    The supermarket tomatoes have to be a big shame in comparison to these shining beauties.

  13. I am SERIOUSLY jealous of all those multicoloured tomatoes and the sqashes! I only planted red tomatoes and the slugs, snails and squirrels had the squashes!

    Oh, and by the way ....... I've nominated you for the meme on 'seven things you didn't know about me'. I hope you don't mind! There's no pressure to do it, but if you want to take part, then the rules are over on my blog!!! (it's your own fault for having such a great blog!)

  14. Those February tomatoes - horrible - like pale ghosts of the real thing. If I could grow only one thing to eat it would be tomatoes. I now have enough tomato sauce to last me the rest of the year.

  15. Squashtastic. I have failed to grow any. The shame of it, the eternal shame.

  16. I am so jealous of your tomatoes - we got blight (again) so lost most of the crop. Your squash look wonderful as well! Well done! :-)

  17. Anonymous2:08 PM

    I grew beetroot cylindria too (only didn't realise that at the time having not label my envelope!). They're so gorgeous looking and have you found they taste sweeter than their chubby round cousin?

  18. I am loaded till my neck with tomatoes and I dont know what to do with them. I made a batch of tomato chutney and have been donating the rest.

    I would appreciate if you could please tell me pressure cooker sauce recipe. Thanks.

  19. Emily & Garden Dreamer. I only used the pressure cooker pan because it is the biggest saucepan I have! Nothing was cooked under pressure, I just cooked them down very slowly with some fresh herbs and olive oil. The liquid was reduced by half then I put it in the blender. That's all! no pressure!

  20. Your squash photo is about the best photo I've ever seen!! How wonderful that you grew all these.
