Friday, October 16, 2009

HHot Hot HHorseradish!

Horseradish is one of the easiest crops to grow down on the allotment. In fact, you don't have to do anything to it, nothing at all. The only snag comes when you come to dig it up this time of year to find that horseradish roots can go feet down into the ground and you have to dig a big hole to get a decent sized root. Peel and chop your horseradish root.
I implore you to use an electric chopper, and keep the lid firmly on. The fumes from chopped horseradish will cause you PAIN!
I used every precaution, held the bowl at arms length and held my breath for as long as possible, but still ended up with a painful face full of tears!
Can you imagine grating this by hand???
Add soured cream to the grated horseradish and you have the most wonderful, wonderful accompaniment to roast beef. I just LOVE mixing horseradish with cold cooked beetroot, those flavours were just made for each other. Do you have any ideas for foods which go well with horseradish? Matron would like to hear from you.


  1. My roasted swet beet relish has creamed horseradish in and tastes bloody fantastic.

    I'm chuffed at least

  2. Whhhhoooof! Cripes Matron! That was brave of you - a full chemical warfare outfit is usually recommended for horseradish processing ;-)

    Now you have your deeeeelicious horseradish creamy sauce dollup some in a smoked mackerel sandwich garnished with some salad leaves.

    Looks like it could get chilly tonight - the hens tucked into mega quantities of corn for tea and the tabby studio assistant has decided to come in and watch Autumn Watch with me.


  3. Horseradish is one of my favorites and I threaten to try to grow it every may have just talked me into it.

  4. I like horseradish but only once in a while and in smallish amounts - so I have never undertaken to grow any just because I know it would not get used nearly enough to justify it. Your processed horseradish sauce looks beautiful. Needs a nice cut of prime rib to go with it - cooked just the way I like it. MMmmmm... splendid!

  5. Nothing better then roast beef with sour cream/horseradish, yum! Yours looks great, never tried fresh horseradish before.

  6. If you have to grate it by hand, try doing it outdoors in a strong wind!

    It suits many sorts of smoked fish, especially eel.

  7. I tried to grow horseradish once, but decided to grow it in a ppot as I read that like Jerusalem artichokes it takes over the plot; and secondly it grows too deep that it is sometimes hard to dig out, just as you highlighted. But it didn't grow well in the pot.
    I may try and plant some again in the future as the fresh varieity is so much flavourful.

    Yours sour horseradish cream looks good, I can see it being a good accompaniment for some roasted root vegetables dishes (with meat or no meat).

  8. Anonymous12:52 PM

    it's making my eyes and mouth water just looking! I picked up a sachet of horseradish sauce in a pub once thinking I'd picked up tartare sauce. It was a revelation and lovely on my fried scampi.

  9. Never had this thing before. After your description I guess I will have to convince some 'friend' of mine to grind the root, and then will I comment again on the taste and accompaniments.

  10. Anonymous8:25 AM

    I chopped my horseradish the same way, only I did it next to the open window.
    The worst part for me is pealing it, so you need to do it manualy...
