Monday, November 09, 2009

Size Isn't Everything!

I dug up another two magnificent specimens of my Bulgarian Giant Leeks for Sunday lunch yesterday. Although spectacular to look at, and seemed to resist an attack of leek moth, I have to report, dear readers, that in my humble opinion the taste isn't up to much I'm afraid. I think that many giant-type vegetables - elephant garlic, giant pumpkins for instance, don't tend to compete on the taste front. The fresh Brussels Sprouts from Lincolnshire, however, were spectacular! Has anyone noticed a plague of little grey plastic items on their soil recently? It really annoys me that for months, even years after bonfire night I am picking these up out of my soil. I presume they are an integral part of a rocket, perhaps holding different colours, propellant chemicals etc. They fall to earth when a firework explodes and I suppose the manufacturers don't give a thought to the environment.
A very small plus point however... I collect up all these nice strong wooden sticks and use them as plant supports next Spring! - re-use re-cycle!


  1. It's good to know these giants don't score on taste. I'll probably still try them just for fun.

  2. I have to agree as well. I much prefer a thin leek and a small eggplant over their tree-trunk and football sized counterparts as a couple of examples.

  3. so can the little plastic thingys be tied together as a group and used for starting seeds? I mean, are they hollow- would they work? Provided you washed them first, of course....

  4. I am annoyed this year. Despite the number of rockets set off by neighbours I haven't found one rocket sick. I normally add a few to my collection each year.

    Glad you enjoyed your Lincolnshire sprouts.

  5. saving the world one firework at a time ;) xxx I find growing for size is a waste unless you do those fairs and win lots of money for it, then I could be tempted. Smaller varities = concentrated taste, to me at least. Size isn't everything as you say x

  6. I like elephant garlic; it's not as strong, but a bulb sliced up and used in a stew or a curry is great.

  7. Superb leeks sarah!

    Might try the carrots too!

    Great post - as always.

