Tuesday, December 15, 2009

What are your Garden Plans for Next Year?

Next year I intend to grow an F1 variety of Brussels Sprout for the first time on my allotment. I look forward to swapping seeds with fellow enthusiasts. I intend to tidy up my chaotic collection of seed packets in scruffy biscuit tins. What are your garden plans for next year?


  1. My plans for next year is to grow lots of beans like you have in your hand. Soldier, bumble bee, boriotto, vermont cranberry, true red cranberry, trail of tears & tiger's eye, so far..... It shall be a bean filled year!

    I have a couple f1 Brussels Sprouts if you need any, I have Jade Cross Hybrid (shorter growing) and Bubbles F1 (taller growing). Both early producers. Let me know if you would like any - veggyblog@gmail.com

  2. Ohhhh my. I've been pouring over seed catalogs for the past 3 weeks, narrowing down my order.
    I'll be renting a larger garden plot at a farm next year - over 8000 square feet / quarter of an acre (I have no idea what this would convert to on the metric system...sorry!
    I'll be selling at a local Farmer's Market, feeding my family, and canning/freezing for us to eat all winter.
    My seed choices are too numerous to list here, but I'm an organic grower and use only open-pollinated seed varieties so I have to take a lot of time selecting my seeds.
    Loved the picture a couple of weeks ago of the blue winter squash. Looked delicious!


  3. Matron - I plan to increase the depth of my raised bed from 8" to 14", in hopes of providing the plants with enough soil to create a condition similar to growing in the ground.

  4. so many plans! more long season crops, like parsnips and brussel sprouts as I've finally made room. Also, I'd like to plant more containers of herbs, peppers, and tomatoes to bring indoors for a longer harvest. A grape vine would be nice.

  5. "I intend to tidy up my chaotic collection of seed packets in scruffy biscuit tins." Me too!

    I'm also planning to create a separate 'Winter Veg' area, as I always seem to run out of space and end up planting out the winter brassicas too late. I've been re-reading Joy Larkom and this is what she advises. A lovely potager of winter veg and winter salads to look gorgeous for Christmas 2010.


  6. I want to get some horse manure from a friend yet this winter and put it in the area where I hope to plant some asparagus in the spring.

    Your bean seeds are pretty. I had to laugh about your scruffy biscuit tins. I have seeds in a few different types of containers. I should probably sort through mine, too.

  7. I just signed up for a plot in our community garden...which is kind of strange... since I grow veggies in our back yard as well. But... I'm looking forward to being part of the whole "community garden" thing.

  8. My plans (apart from growing more beans, growing out some new beans from an accidental cross, some deliberately crossed tomatoes and peas) are to enoy the plentiful fruit bushes on my new allotment and to become a Seed Guardian for the Heritage Seed Library.

  9. I have never yet managed to produce all the veg for our Christmas Dinner so that is what I plan for next year, but it will mean growing both parsnips and sprouts (neither very popular in our household - so on a very small scale) for the first time.
    Also I am going to try growing Stevia (a calorie-free sugar substitute!) and some more fruit to try it out on.

  10. Anonymous1:16 PM

    I have so many plans for next year, and they are continuously changing, so I don’t know what it will be at the end.
    But two things are sure - I will have herbs bed and I will try some new vegetables that I have never grown before (and never consumed) - this should be interesting.

  11. I am going to try a variation on my usual potato planting technique to try and increase overall production. I have dried beans in the plans for 2010 as well. Have not grown a crop of dried beans since the 2007 garden and it is time to work them in again. Finally, I am going to do a variation of the three sisters planting this year in the corn patch.

  12. Raspberries. You know it makes sense.

  13. I'm planning to try more varieties of pea and bean, and get some raised beds made. I'm losing too much from waterlogging and flooding.

  14. I'll aim to fight back the weeds from another tiny patch, and try to maintain progress on all fronts! Failing that, I'll live vicariously through your blog.
