Sunday, August 01, 2010

Matron Returns!

Just returned from a spectacular trip round the UK! Buddy has come back safe and well from kennels - hooray! A million thanks go to Peggy from Organic Growing Pains who took me out for a day when I visited Cobh in Ireland last week. Here we are, in person, sharing the experience of digging some spuds... in Ireland! What a great day!
We went for a trip to Blarney Castle where I kissed the Blarney Stone. Here is a rare glimpse of Matron herself, bending over backwards over the castle walls. Do you think this will give me the gift of eloquence? Will it make me blog more often?
More to follow.


  1. Whatever kissing the stone will do, I just love the color of your top. Fanastic green.

    Glad you had a fun trip and you got back safely. The potatoes look wonderful.

  2. I'm still trying to work out which way up you are in that picture!

    I bet that was a fabulous trip - quite envious! (except I'd probably fell queasy all the way)


  3. I went to Blarney Castle in my teens. I didn't kiss the stone. Blimmin' good job - the world would never have got a word in if I had!

    Welcome back. Glad you enjoyed your break.

  4. Welcome back Matron!

  5. Glad both you and Buddy are home safe and well.

    After seeing a picture of you, we need to see a picture of him!

  6. By the look of things the only thing kissing the stone will give you is a bad back LOL! I'm glad to see you had a good trip though and of course it's always good to see you in a post.
