Monday, May 30, 2011

Blogger Trouble

Is anyone else having Blogger trouble? When I navigate round some other blogs and try to comment I am shown as not signed in. I sign in and I'm still shown as not signed in. The only way to my own blog is through the dashboard. Is it just me?


  1. Loads of people are having trouble. There appear to be a couple of solutions that work for some but not others:
    1. Un-tick the "keep me signed in" box when you sign in.
    2. Use Google Chrome to use blogger.
    I've tried both and when one doesn't work the other usually does!
    Good luck! Love 'n' hugs, Mel xx

  2. I see that problem from time to time. The only way round it for me is to sign in to my Google mail account and then everything works again.

  3. No, I'm not having any trouble, Matron :/ Have you tried restarting your browser?

  4. It was just like that for me most of this week, Matron - it has been a 'known issue' for blogger, and it drove me absolutely crackers!

    I went onto the blogger help page (you get to it from the dashboard page, then it's bottom left), and they suggested to clear your cache and cookies (which made no difference at all!) but then it suggests to LOG OUT google reader but then to log in but unclick the 'keep me logged in' box. Worked for me.

  5. No it's not just you. I have had trouble posting comments too and seem to be asked to sign in when I already am. It seems to have resolved itself now, for me at least.

  6. I'm having exactly the same problem matron if I am using IE but it seems to work fine with Google Chrome

  7. Hi Martron.

    It is not just you, everybody seems to be having this problem at the moment.

    When you sign in you must UNCHECK the 'keep me signed in' button and then all commenting should be restored to normal.

    I didn't believe it at first but it is working for me!

    Have a great day

    Martin :)

  8. Hi Matron
    just logged onto your blog so will see what happens


  9. There have been a lot of complaints about Blogger in the last couple of weeks. There's obviously some problem; let's hope they fis it soon!

  10. No it's not just you. Which browser do you use? Most problems seem to be with Internet Explorer. I use Google Chrome and am not having any problems this time around.

  11. It's been going on for about a week. People are having trouble commenting. We unchecked the 'stay signed in' box and it seemed to fix our problem for now....

    Wyatt's Mom

  12. I have at least one other friend who is having the same problems as you, Matron.
    I suspect it's related to their roll-out of the 'new and improved' redesign of blogger. You can read about it here:
    if you haven't already seen it.

    Hopefully it will clear up as they complete the process, otherwise people may need to start complaining.

  13. Same here Matron... A blogger problem, we are in the same boat

  14. I believe that it was a systemic problem for the last couple of days, but it seems to be fixed now.

  15. Yes several of the blogs i read seem to be reporting this - you are not alone!

  16. Anonymous8:06 PM

    Peggy is having the same problem on organic growing pains.

  17. Hi matron, you have exactly the same problem I have been having for over a week!Some blogs I can leave comment son and for some unknown reason not on others and Blogger don't seem to be in a hurry to correct it.I know others are in the same boat.

  18. ok

  19. Hi there, many people are discussing blogger troubles. I've had some trouble too, but mostly when I use firefox 4. I've been experimenting with google chrome and have had less trouble, but it's not perfect.

  20. Yep, had the same problem all last week. Ended up using Chrome as my blogging browser although Internet Explorer seems to be working again today...

  21. A few weeks ago I couldn't post anything to my blog except by doing an "Add this" and leaving it alone. If I tried to comment or rearrange anything it bombed. Now I can't even type in a new entry, not on Chrome or IE. I am mightily p**ed off! I think I might take my blog back to WordPress where my personal one lives.
