Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Christmas Veggies

I managed to get some specially prepared potatoes into a bag in the greenhouse this week. These Christmas potatoes have been kept in special conditions to fool them into thinking it is Spring. I am growing these to eat on Christmas Day! These will form part of Matron's Christmas Veggie Blog. I am asking bloggers to plant something now, and send me a photo of something that is ready to eat at Christmas. I will be posting it together on a blog in the days coming up to Christmas. So get planting now! A few Winter lettuce perhaps? or a row of little turnips, or a pot of small carrots? Or even a row of radishes or spring onions? give it a go.


  1. So you don't want any sprout photos - planted last spring?

  2. Sue - Oh yes! sprouts, parsnips, leeks, cabbage.. all welcome.

  3. Hi matron, they are the strangest seed pops I have seen! I hope they come good for the Christmas dinner.
    I have leeks, sprouts and turnips and will put some carrots in the barrel in the greenhouse to see how they do.
    Do you want now and then photos or is the blog a once off for Christmas?

  4. Peggy - email me a photo in December, I will make up a deadline for entries and post the blog in the week before.

  5. CM (from Virginia)8:39 PM

    I love the idea of sharing our Christmas "dinners"! Last year I was lucky enough to have a big salad of home-grown baby lettuces at my Christmas table. I'll sow the seeds for the next Christmas lettuces at the end of September. Incidentally, in the days leading up to Christmas last year, I was so impressed by your brussel sprouts that I called around town until I found a fresh stem of them. They were a major part of Christmas Eve dinner. Yum! Thanks for inspiring me to try something new.

  6. Ooooh! I want new potatoes for Christmas dinner! Must go shopping.... Love 'n' hugs, Mel xx

  7. Wonderful idea, having a Christmas veggie blog - love the idea of sharing the winter veg pics, thanks! Am having a real go at winter veg this year so will keep this in mind.
