Thursday, December 15, 2011

Shetland Black Potatoes

I went to dig up some potatoes today. Nearly all the Shetland Black potatoes had started to grow roots and shoots. I wonder if the spell of really warm weather in the past few weeks has tricked them into thinking it was Spring?


  1. I have never seen or heard of a Black potato! thanks for posting.

  2. I wouldn't be surprised, Matron. Many people here have had plants blooming or leafing out of season.

    I guess you have seed potatoes now?

  3. Anonymous2:54 AM

    No doubt the warm weather did it! Beautiful potatoes by the way!

  4. We had mall shoots starting on our potatoes although not as advanced as yours - now the weather has cooled the growth seems to have stopped thankfully.

  5. Hope they taste good, and you already have your start for next year!

  6. You'll have had the same flurry of snow that I had in NW London this morning - that, and the recent chill in the air, should set the plants back on track. I've still got herbs and achoca growing (out of season) and shrubs that think it's spring and are starting to blossom!! Will you eat your spuds or replant them?
