Monday, February 20, 2012

Matron gets Passionate!

Last Friday was a wonderful day. Matron was able to indulge all her passions in one day! I met a new friend in Celia from Purple Podded Peas. I travelled over to Cambridge to visit her garden.
I met the assitant gardeners, and had a wonderful stroll around the vegetable patch. Then we set off on our journey, travelled through the market town of Saffron Walden, famous for its history of saffron trading. Saffron is an Autumn crocus which was grown nearby.
Another of my passions is for walled kitchen gardens, and they come no better than the English Heritage garden at Audley End. Of course February is a quiet time, but the beautiful bones of the garden were still visible in these trained fruit trees. The county of Cambridgeshire is famous for growing fruit. You must have heard of the strawberry 'Cambridge Vigour' and the stone fruit 'Cambridge Gage' just to name two.
Another of my passions is for choral music, and I was just thrilled to be able to attend choral evensong at Kings College Cambridge. The choir at the college is, in my mind, the best in the world. A Heavenly Choir of angelic voices, a perfect evening.
But the evening wasn't quite over, we went to Tim Hayward's restaurant Fitzbillies for a stunning meal. Another passion shared, Tim also has a passion for food which is locally sourced and in season, you can't get better than that! Matron had a passonate conversation with the man himself , another passionate foodie. A conversation that ended with the subject of eating lambs testicles! If you can put deep fried pigs ears on the menu, then why not these? Don't knock them till you've tried them Tim!


  1. It was a fun day wasn't it!


  2. Anonymous1:00 PM

    And I thought when I ate pig intestines it was extreme! ;-) What a wonderful day you two had...enjoyed "tagging" along!

  3. Here They eat calf and bull testicles...
    And probably lamb, too, just haven't met a blogger (until now) that wrote about it. ;)

    Thanks for sharing all the pictures with us.

  4. Oh I have stood in that same lineup myself and know the joy of which you speak!

    It is a stunning landscape, the Fens and to visit Audley End must have been a joy even at this time of year. Lovely to share it with a fellow blogger. Thank you for bringing happy memories back to me.

  5. Lucky day for you - so many things accomplished. King's College is truly majestic. we have had the King's College Choir singing here years ago. Bautiful.

  6. What fabulous chickens! Gorgeous plumage. And those fruit trees look so elegant.

  7. Very envious!
    Nice to hear you both had a lovely day

  8. Audley End .... def on the list of gardens to visit!
