Thursday, March 15, 2012

New Shoots!

Just a couple of days of warm-ish sunshine and everything growing in the garden has responded. I was delighted to see that my rhubarb is pretty nearly ready to pick. There is nothing quite like the sweet taste of an early picking of rhubarb. Can't wait!
Meanwhile in the greenhouse these Black Pearl Chilli seedlings have germinated nicely. What a fantastic colour these seed leaves are already. Exciting to watch these grow.
Everything else is just doing nicely. The days are so warm in the greenhouse I am taking the lid off the propagator and turning off the heat for the moment. Looking good!
I planted a few French Breakfast radish seeds in an old growbag inside the greenhouse too. This heat and sunshine are really bringing them on nicely.
The Broad Beans Aquadulce Claudia are enjoying the sunshine too. Let's hope I can keep the pigeons and the slugs off these for long enough to get them really growing well.


  1. Anonymous10:13 PM

    everything is growing nicely!

  2. Congratulations! everything looks great!

  3. How exciting! I love rhubrarb and I am so looking forward to eating it. Had no luck planting it though.

  4. We just had a late snowfall, but the rhubarb are pushing through!
    Black Pearl Chili's are on our list of things to try!


  5. We have some black pearl seeds but we haven't got around to sowing them yet! You've just reminded me in fact.

    The rhubarb looks great, on our allotment ours is a bit behind seeing as it was covered in carpet left by the last tenant. It's picking up though!

    Martin :0)

  6. Rhubarb for us soon too

  7. Wow your rhubarb is growing well. Mine's only just peeping out from the soil! Your chilli seedlings look great - is your greenhouse heated?

  8. suburban veg gardener - no greenhouse is not heated, just the propagator to help start off the seedlings.

  9. Wow your rhubarb is way ahead of ours!

  10. Sunshine, what sunshine? It's been a commodity sadly missing in this neck of the woods. The 'Black Pearl' seedlings are certainly living up to their name - what a glorious colour,

  11. Such an exciting time, when it all starts growing!
    All the little shoots looks so healthy and happy to be in daylight :-)

  12. Your rhubarb is slightly ahead of mine. Seedlings look great coming up.

  13. Our rhubarb is going to have its first picking today. Hubby wanted to pick it last night but didn't feel like making crumble.

    We put a shelder around our rhubarb plants - like a upside down bucket and cut the bottom off.
