Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Gizmos and Gadgets

A quick trip over to my Sister's house this week for a demonstration of her new toy!
This time of year you can get your seedlings started on a windowsill indoors or even in a heated propagator, but what they really lack is daylight! This small growlight has enabled these tomato plants to really thrive at this time of year. A lovely dark green colour and very healthy. It can't be just any light bulb, it has to be a special daylight lamp in order for the plants to benefit.
Set on a timer, these little plants are way ahead of the rest! We were wondering if she might be able to grow a little miniature tomato plant all through the Winter? hmmm


  1. We have a very similar 'gadget' It works well Ours also can be set up to self water.

  2. If they make such a thing, she probably could!
    Otherwise, she'll just have to move the light as the plants grow.
    They look fantastic!

  3. Hi matron, what a terrific set up for the toms! Will you invest or are you sharing the plants?!
    I read on a blog about using an old electric blanket, covered with plastic to prevent moisture seeping through.

  4. Anonymous12:46 AM

    I want to get one of these things to grow your tomato seed inside the apartment...maybe I'll add that as a third way! Outside, inside and under the grow light! Beautiful!

  5. Nice! We set up all kinds of crazy seed trays and grow lights all around the house. I must admit those are some healthy looking tomatoes for March!!

    Wyatt's mom
