Dogs on Blogs
I've just come back from a short trip up to Lincolnshire. I was staying just a few minutes' drive away from a long-time blogger friend John and the wonderful Bobby from Midmarsh Jottings.
Matron grows vegetables and fruit in a Hampshire garden. I've been growing veggies since I was knee high to a grasshopper. Some traditional varieties and old favourites as well as new ideas. I share my garden with my allotment assistant Daisy the Labrador. On Twitter as @MatronsVeggies
I've just come back from a short trip up to Lincolnshire. I was staying just a few minutes' drive away from a long-time blogger friend John and the wonderful Bobby from Midmarsh Jottings.
Haha. He does indeed resemble a shark. ;o)
You all have a wonderful weekend! ♥
It was great to meet you Matron. Always nice to see the face behind the words.
Your visit did wonders for Bobby's appetite as he scoffed everything in sight later in the day. Maybe he thought Leo might have been hiding in the background.
Pleased Leo enjoyed his unbirthday present. Love that final photo - almost a bodyless head ;>)
Leo is loving his Jerky treats!
Hi matron, I recognise the headless shoe photography method which you have pioneeered!
Leo does indeed look just like a shark in that last picture. I love it!How fun to meet a a friend from the bloging world too!
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