Desert Island Plant Challenge
Here's a question for you! If you were hypothetically marooned on a desert island, which three plants would you take with you? A fantastic challenge posed at Shirls Gardenwatch blog.
Matron grows vegetables and fruit in a Hampshire garden. I've been growing veggies since I was knee high to a grasshopper. Some traditional varieties and old favourites as well as new ideas. I share my garden with my allotment assistant Daisy the Labrador. On Twitter as @MatronsVeggies
Here's a question for you! If you were hypothetically marooned on a desert island, which three plants would you take with you? A fantastic challenge posed at Shirls Gardenwatch blog.
Wonderful! More veggies for the stone soup on the island:)
Hi Matron - great choices! I'm so pleased you've chosen apples as I reluctantly left them out of my list. And the leeks and pumpkins will ensure we have plenty of winter sustenance :)
Lol - you may not "do flowers" but your desert island will be colorful with the pumpkins and the apples ...
and of course "the teds" are required traveling companions.
PS VP has done her desert island veg too
So, you don't 'do flowers' eh? Can I refer you to your 23 July 2008 entry ;>) You'll be eating them next...
Hi there Matron my island ship is out on an evening cruise around the Islands ;-)
What can you do if you don’t do flowers? Mm… you go to the ball ;-) Great choices and as Karen said you’ve plenty of colour too. I’m sure the Teds will enjoy climbing your tree while you rustle up something tasty with the leeks and pumpkin. Oh… you won’t have darker moments on this island :-D
Tks, tks Matron, remember the post I did last year on edible flowers? ;-)
But good choices, each and every one of them. Apple blossom and apples on a tree are a joy to behold and the latter are great to sink your teeth in once they are ready.
Leeks, who would want to do without them? And ditto for pumpkins.
BTW will you bring Ted junior and senior to the desert island too? I will bring my new water feature so you're allowed to bring some other fun stuff to I suppose. ;-)
Have to take issue with the flowers, Matron - I'd take day lilies - really gorgeous and make a plate of salad look totally Hollywood!
I'd have to take spuds - have some Irish way back in my ancestry and you can't beat a new potato.
And of course, a climbing bean. so decorative and beautiful - you'd need beauty to cheer your soul on a desert island - and wonderful to eat, bursting with proteins too.
Who needs records?
I was expecting vegetable flowers but I see you are sticking to your principles :-)
You have the ingredients for soup followed by dessert!
Well, although there are some edible flowers whether they would fill you up is another matter :) I love your choices Matron and applaud you on your decision making skills. I found choosing flowers hard enough but would find it impossible to narrow it down when it comes to edible crops.
Hi Matron, I think I would take Apples, Potatoes and Carrots. Bob.
I had a really tasty skillet dish once with apples, sweet potatoes and raisins. Of course there was also apple juice and cinnamon and sugar ;)
The pumpkin looks so rich and delicious! Beautiful autumn picture.
Very interesting post...I have no idea what I would bring except for some type of berry...probably strawberries or blackberries.
It's great to see the photo of your "Rouge Vif D'Etamps" pumpkin. I have bought the seeds for growing this year I hope I have as much succsess as you had.
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