I sowed a few broad beans yesterday.

I start them off with a little heat in individual modules then let them grow on unheated for a few weeks. These
'Aquadulce Claudia' would have been fine to plant out last Autumn to overwinter, but I find that they all catch up with each other sooner or later in the season.

I managed to get hold of a few of these French potatoes
'Vitelotte' at Borough market this week. They are purple all the way through and grow as a main/late crop.

My rhubarb has started peeking its shoots above the soil. It will have loved that hard covering of snow as it needs a good, cold dormant period to set crowns.

Rhubarb is also a greedy feeder so will love this thick covering of manure compost.

My Isle of Wight garlic seems to have survived the Winter uncovered too. The
Early Purple came up first and is slightly larger. The
Solent Wight was a bit slower, and the
Chesnok Wight seems to have been nibbled at by something. I'm sure it will grow back.

Only a couple of years ago I planted just six raspberry canes in this patch. Just look at how they have spread! They can be a bit of a creeping pest if you don't keep them under control. I will keep the thickest canes and prune out the weedy ones!
Your rhubarb always comes through ages before mine. I don't think it's all down to the north/south divide! I think it's something to do with variety.
Spring comes with interesting promise of bountiful harvest, after months of dreamy winter sleep. Good signs all over ~bangchik
Oh, Matron! You give me hope that spring is on its way! I've been planting milk jug greenhouses like crazy here in the Mid-Atlantic U.S., just trying to stave off the cabin fever. Can't wait to see what happens with the purple potatoes.
Lots happening in your plot! The spuds look awesome and can't wait for my rhubarb to look like that. I think I am going to force it again this year... after the ground is not frozen solid.
The French potatoes look interesting. I look forward to following your progress with those.
Our rhubarb is popping up too. I think I may have spotted the first spear of asparagus trying to poke it's way up as well. Your raspberry patch is looking good and those blue potatoes are quite interesting!
Your garlic is coming on well, no sign of life from mine yet, either freezing cold or pouring with rain since I put them in. Definitely going back to November planting next time.
Hello, I was just Blog-Hopping and ran across your blog. Very well written!
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