Preparing Pumpkins
I still have a couple of pumpkins left. This one is one of the Rouge Vif D'Etamps which I hand pollinated to ensure it comes true next year.
Matron grows vegetables and fruit in a Hampshire garden. I've been growing veggies since I was knee high to a grasshopper. Some traditional varieties and old favourites as well as new ideas. I share my garden with my allotment assistant Daisy the Labrador. On Twitter as @MatronsVeggies
I still have a couple of pumpkins left. This one is one of the Rouge Vif D'Etamps which I hand pollinated to ensure it comes true next year.
You will love this recipe. A slightly less decadent way to enjoy your pumpkin!
I would take you up on the seed offer but that variety is just a little too big for my alloted area for the pumpkins. It certainly is a pretty pumpkin!
I just processed the last two of my pumpkins a week or so ago. They are now pumpkin puree in 2 cup servings in the freezer.
That's a huge pumpkin. Last year I grew Hooligan pumpkins which were tiny. My daughter still carved some up for halloween.
Such a lovely pumpkin ! I got my seeds already but thx for offering. :)
I should've paid more attention to the stored squash - they frost has done for the last of them...
Beautiful pumpkins...I've always wanted to grow Rouge Vif D'Etamps. Looks like an amazing variety!
Hi Matron, I have left a message for you on my blog. I am very nervous, never having had the courage to ask anyone to do anything like this before, but as it is Winter and there is little else going on plot-wise, I figured we might have time!
I think we already have pumpkin plans for our front garden patch, otherwise we'd be delighted to try new seeds.
We made pumpkin ice cream with the last of our red kuri pumpkins, but the taste was a touch too savoury for our liking.
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