Seeds Sown!
This time last year my seedlings were already nearly a month old. This year has been such a cold Spring that I didn't dare sow any seeds until now. I really feel like the season has started now.
Matron grows vegetables and fruit in a Hampshire garden. I've been growing veggies since I was knee high to a grasshopper. Some traditional varieties and old favourites as well as new ideas. I share my garden with my allotment assistant Daisy the Labrador. On Twitter as @MatronsVeggies
This time last year my seedlings were already nearly a month old. This year has been such a cold Spring that I didn't dare sow any seeds until now. I really feel like the season has started now.
Hi Matron
I know what you mean about holding off with the seed sowing but I too finally got my hands in the compost today and it felt good :)
Fantastic! I'm glad to see you've been able to get things going. We're starting up here, too. It makes me so giddy.
Whoops I've only just planted my garlic. Hopefully I haven't left it too late.
I'm envious of your rhubarb.
I feel like it has been too cold too, it's been such a long drawn out winter. Now I'm only a beginner here but I think there is something in me saying wait a little longer it's not quite warm enough. Perhaps this intuition is deep in our make up. We follow signs that our ancestors did like steadily warming weather, the longer days of sunshine and those signals of spring like the little shoots poking their heads through the ground. It's very uplifting it's like a promise we can count on.
Best of luck with your season ahead.
The 2010 garden is well underway here already. Unlike you, we have actually been having an unusually warm and mild early spring and I have been able to get about a two week jump on everything. I still use protective covers etc as insurance, but so far it has largely been unecessary.
The rhubarb and garlic look like they are thriving.
I'm hoping to get some seeds in today. It's been frustrating that the weather has been too cold to start earlier but it's better to wait a while than risk losing delicate seedlings.
We've had more hard frosts this year than for the last 5 years added together. Climate change seems to mean greater extremes here in Britain.
It's great to be able to get going at long last. It's seemed such a long winter this year. Hopefully we'll get a good long summer too.
we've just started too, pointless to do it earlier this year. fingers crossed or everything, especially the lemongrass - finding that very interesting x
Hi Matron. Its always good to get the seeds growing, it makes you feel like spring is here even thought the weather won't co-operate. Bob.
Your garlic and rhubarb is way ahead of ours. We are having another really cold spell here with frost and temps at night dipping below minus again. Roll on Summer!
I was just scrolling down in my blog and see that I missed you last weekend!!! O forgive me please!!!! I love seeing that you have started some babies....I can't wait to see what they do as they grow!!!
Please don't think that I always ignore my linked bloggers....I NEVER would!!! Oh how sorry I am...please join me again?
great to started isn't it. Can't wait until the clocks go forward.
Your rhubarb is up already? Arg. I live in southern California and mine isn't up yet. I planted it only last year and I'm worried that it might not have made it through the winter. I'm not giving up on it yet though.
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