Sunday, March 11, 2012

Matron blows a fuse!

No I haven't lost my temper, but last Thursday night there was a flash bang at Matron's residence and as a consequence I have no power sockets! No TV, computer, radio. Why do these things happen over a weekend? Normal service resumes soon.


  1. Because Murphy doesn't take a break.
    Same things happen to me. If not the weekend, then after business hours so it has to wait until the next day anyway.

    Have a great week!

  2. Nice man called Gary coming round to look at my plugs!

  3. Anonymous3:41 PM

    excuse my curiosity but what happened? happy to know it will be fixed soon!

  4. Hi matron, I hope you are up and running real soon!
    Leo looks as if he is really enjoying his birthday.

  5. Hi Matron, I hope you have your power back. It's amazing how much we take it for granted.
