My Blog is one year old today! What an interesting time I've had. About a year ago this bloke at work called Stan kept on at me about how much fun blogging was... I didn't quite get it. I mean why would someone want to read my daily diary. What could I possibly write down about my daily life that anyone else would want to read? Stan suggested that as I read nothing but seed catalogues at work, and how I kept going on and on about my garden, that I could start a blog about my veggies. How ridiculous! who on earth would want to read about the daily goings-on down on the allotment? Who would want to hear about turning your compost heap when you are wearing sandals? Who would want to hear about my re-cycled tea and coffee? And I am most definitely
NOT going to tell anyone about my straw bale urinal!
Well here I am a year on. Thanks Stan. xxx
One final piece of garden blog. For the past few weeks I have been tracking down some pest in the garden and greenhouse that has been eating my precious seedlings. Each day I would find that great big chunks had been bitten off my cucumber plants, aubergines, carrots. I couldn't work it out, the bite marks were too big for slugs or snails, but why would squirrells or pigeons want to snack this time of year. I caught the black, furry-trousered, four legged pest red-handed yesterday! See photo above.
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