My greenhouse is full of wonderful veggie plants from all over the world at the moment. Tomatoes from the Azores and from Canada, beans and squashes from the USA, Dog beans from Portugal, Crimean black tomatoes... and just this week a prezzie from my friend
Stan who has just come back from New Zealand - some
Whangaparaoa Crown pumpkins! This is a very popular native variety from Whangaparaoa bay and has been bred to also be called Crown Prince. I just love these grey skinned pumpkins which are good Winter storage pumpkins and they have a high percentage of dry matter in the orange flesh which make them fantastic for baking.

New Zealand spinach is doing well in the greenhouse. I pricked them out today to give them a little more growth room before I plant them outside in a few weeks' time. The leaves are really succulent.

Back to blighty for a moment (Happy St.George's Day everyone!). A week ago I pinched off a dozen or so leaf tips from my
purple sage bush. This bush is well over 20 years old and is getting woody and needs replacing. Blow me down with a feather if all dozen cuttings have taken off with gusto and will be ready for re-potting soon. I should think I could safely replace the old plant in a few weeks.

And now on to Bulgaria! Couldn't resist these
Bulgarian Giant Leeks when I saw them in the Marshalls catalogue this past Winter. The blanch stem of these leeks is upwards of 3 feet tall - I just had to try them!... Currently about 3mm tall, but growing.
The sage cuttings look great, I had no idea you can take cuttings from them. Good to know.
That's really to bad the pink berkely tie-dye did not germinate. I had a lady comment that she ordered a pack from them and the whole pack didn't germinate. I guess I was lucky to have one sprout. I will save seed this summer and send you some for next season. Glade to hear the dixie golden is growing for you. I will be planting your broad beans out in a day or two. They are currently growing under glass in peat pots. I will make sure to post a photo for you.
For me, this is what vegetable gardening should be about - getting out of the big chain supermarkets and growing something really different but tasty. Or at least trying some new things. Hope everything does great for you.
That Pumpkin deserves a prize for the name alone!
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