Here is another contribution to
Matron's Worldwide Veggie Show 2009, you can see here a lovely row of peas.. a picture of pea perfection... almost.

For something weevil lurks beneath the pods. The scourge of gardeners everywhere..

It's the dreaded pea weevil! You will most probably find something like this in one or two of your pea pods. On closer inspection you will find a little weevil. This is the larval stage of the pea moth who lays her eggs in the developing pea pods. The eggs hatch into little larvae which munch their way through your lovely peas inside the pod.

These are some of my
Golden Sweet peas, I have plenty of seed left over in the packet for next year so I won't save any of these.

Here is one of my
Great Wall of China tomatoes just ripening in the greenhouse. I was thrilled to see that
Cath from
A Gardener in Progress had some of these growing in her garden too. I swapped some seed when I visited the
SAGBUTT (Seattle Area Garden Bloggers United to Talk) back in March. I 'liberated' the seed from a plant in the greenhouse at West Dean gardens in Sussex last year. They had been donated to the garden from someone who found them growing on the Great Wall of China.

My potted
pineapple is just loving this hot weather inside the greenhouse. When I visited the Azores last year I saw pineapples growing in greenhouses. They just love it hot and steamy!

My early new potatoes
International Kidney are getting a bit big now, and because there is a possible threat of potato blight at the moment, I have chopped all the foliage off and just left stalks showing above the ground. Blight develops from spores in the soil when the weather has been both damp and warm for a consecutive number of days allowing the fungus to take hold. The other potatoes you see on the left of the picture are a blight resistant maincrop variety called
Sarpo Axona. I have not grown them before, but let's see what happens.

My pumpkins and sweetcorn are just loving this hot weather. I am particularly pleased with these
Queensland Blue squash seeds which were sent to me by
Scarecrow in Australia!

Anyway, here is my first
Rouge Vif D'Etamps pumpkin. Not big enough to make a pumpkin pie yet, but I wish all Americans everywhere a
Happy 4th July!
That pineapple looks great! When will it be ready for harvest?
My great wall of china tomato plants are now bearing their first fruits.
I'm fascinated with your pineapple! It looks great!
How did you start it? And is this your first time growing it?
The pineapple was a gift as a potted plant back in April. It already had a small fruit on top, I have just had to keep it alive!
I'm certainly impressed by that pineapple as well! I have actually NEVER has pea weevils in all of my years of gardening?! In fact, I just blogged yesterday about my big garden pea harvest (forgot to take pictures of six pea pods unfortunately and missed an opportunity for an entry to your world veggie show). Harvested over 14.5 lbs of peas and nary a weevil in any of them.
Have not seen the great wall of china tomatoes before.
Looks like you're having a bumper harvest!
Things are looking good. The wall of china have interesting looking fruit.
Everything looks fab (let's ignore the weevils!). I love the look of the chinese tomatoes, wow, they came from a plant that grew on that wall. It's amazing.
Get out of town! Look at that pineapple! You've got to put more pictures of it up. I love it!
Early and late sown peas are less susceptible to pea moth I believe. Just beginning to get a few.
The pineapple is simply out of this world ! Ready to harvest soon ?
Love that pineapple!
LOOK at those pumpkins! I have the straw down now, but they are still quite small. The warm weather should be helping ours, also, but they are looking forward to a rain on Tuesday (I hope).
A pineapple! wow
I'm not worthy Matron you really are in a class of your own. Amazing
I shall be entering your veggie show though!
I agree with all the other comments that the pineapple is very impressive! I had pea moth larvae as well - not so many as to ruin my crop, but enough to wonder if any have slipped through the net and been inadvertently eaten.
Great Wall of China tomatoes! They look so interesting! Do they have the consistency of a paste tomato?
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