Matron's Spiced Christmas Chutney
Here's another idea to use up your apples and pumpkins. I've re-used a picture from last year, this was the most amazing sweet chutney to eat with cold meat or salad.
4lbs cooking apples
1lb pumpkin cut into half inch cubes
1lb red onion
3oz grated ginger
10oz brown sugar
rind and juice of an orange
4oz dried cranberries
4oz dried mixed fruit
1/2 pint gluhwein (mulled wine)
3/4 pint spiced vinegar
Put all the ingredients in a large saucepan except the sugar. Simmer the chutney for at least 30 minutes or until reduced. There is enough pectin in the apples and pumpkins for a good set. I found that the pumpkin does not disolve but stays in chunks so you can cut bigger chunks if you like them in your chutney! You can add more of your favourite Christmas spices to the mixture. Add the sugar and simmer until reduced further. Bottle in sterilized jars and store till needed.
hooray, another way of using up my pile of pumpkins. Matron you are spoiling me ;o)
We used used our last pumpkin, I'm digesting it right now - oh well.
I still have quite a pile of pumpkins - perhaps I will give this recipe a try!
That sounds tasty, hoping to get some good Muscade de Provence pumpkins this year, but meantime I'll use up my shop bought Crown.
Hi Matron, I've just made this - what a lot of apples to peel! And only half a pumpkin used but it smells delicious and will make some nice christmas pressies. I used large jars (all 400g+) and ended up with 10!
thanks for posting the recipe - will be linking to it when I write my post up. cheerio, Nic x
That gluwein brings back memories of skiing in Austria!
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