Mom's Apple Pie!
I couldn't resist any longer! Apples stored in the garage had been calling to me for weeks.
Matron grows vegetables and fruit in a Hampshire garden. I've been growing veggies since I was knee high to a grasshopper. Some traditional varieties and old favourites as well as new ideas. I share my garden with my allotment assistant Daisy the Labrador. On Twitter as @MatronsVeggies
I couldn't resist any longer! Apples stored in the garage had been calling to me for weeks.
Happy Mother's Day, Matron. That apple pie is making my mouth water, it looks so good.
That looks SOOOO good! I'm off to my daughter's for a special meal (but the highlight will be playing with the granddaughters!)
I should have had a bite before reading this ! *gurgle* Looks delish ! *drool*
Happy Mother's Day to all UK mums !
What an incredible looking pie! I made one out of frozen blueberries this past weekend, and it wasn't very good. For pies more than anything else, I think you've got to have fresh fruit! Bon appetit!
Nothing like apple pie or apple pan dowdy (aka as skillet apple pie) - warm with just a small scoop of really good vanilla ice cream. mmmmm.... heaven!
My rhubarb is what is currently calling my name for pie. The spring growth is almost enough for the first harvest. Soon, very soon. :D
As Bernard Miles would have said: It looks good, it tastes good, and by golly it does you good.
mmmm, that look good! The apples on the tree in my street are just about ready: I know what I'll be making!
Yum! What sort of apples did you use?
Cabbage Tree they were free apples, liberated, found, scrumped! (an old English tradition)
I'll have some o' that!
my favourite, looks good!
making my mouth water - yummy
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