Still in the Greenhouse
The temperature in the greenhouse over the past few days has been rising. Most of these little modules have to be watered every day, even twice a day.
Matron grows vegetables and fruit in a Hampshire garden. I've been growing veggies since I was knee high to a grasshopper. Some traditional varieties and old favourites as well as new ideas. I share my garden with my allotment assistant Daisy the Labrador. On Twitter as @MatronsVeggies
The temperature in the greenhouse over the past few days has been rising. Most of these little modules have to be watered every day, even twice a day.
I have some Rudolph seeds - must get them sown!
I think you'll love the Salmon Flowered Peas (I got them from Resbie - she has a review on
I'm sown some PSB for next year... fingers crossed. Your's looks beautiful - bet it tastes good too.
My greenhouse is full up too. There's lots of things which I'm not chancing planting out until the risk of frost has gone. I had a go at sprouts last year, but they didn't grow very well. I'm giving them a go again this year.
That is the problem at the moment. Even on dull days the greenhouse warms up, boils on sunny days, but the nights can still get very cold.
I wish I wish I WISH I had a greenhouse. That'll be one addition to our backyard that I must have next year. Looks good in there :)
Ate our first PSB tonight and it was worth the wait, like you say a little patience is what's required!
The PSB is very cool. I am trying a spring variety and a fall variety this year. Overwintering may be an issue here but I am trying anyway.
Lovely plants. Your broccoli brings me to envy. BTW, are you affected by the Iceland volcano ash?
We had a significant frost last night so everything is still under glass at the mo. Just acquired a cold frame from Mum so hopefully will start to move things in a couple of weeks.
That broccoli looks delicious!
Thought I'd let you know that the red-flowered broad bean seeds you gave me last year have their first sets of blossoms. They are soooo pretty!
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