A Rare Visitor
Whilst potting up in the greenhouse yesterday I noticed some tits visiting Matron's Titbox! The Large Brown Tit (Parus frons Major) is a rare visitor to the UK but warmer climate has seen numbers rise steadily in the South of the Country.
Hi Matron, Who wouldn't want to stay in a house like that?! Its a bit naughty of them to go writing on the walls though don't you think? I don't think I will be seeing then any time soon as its been the coldest winter in years up here, even now its nothing like spring everything is soaking wet and cold. Bob.
They are impressive for such a small bird. It's also amazing they laid them on the April 1st!
Happy 1st April to you too! Thanks for the smile.
ooooooo Matron! What a lark... I mean Great Brown Tit ;-)
Love how you labelled the wood before you made the nest box.
Ha ha, I bet it had trouble parting with those.
April Fool?????!!
Big eggs - big - Oooh I can't say tits can I?
Happy April 1st - and thanks for the laugh!
Happy April fool's day.
I confess that the comments on this post saved me the embarrassment of going great lengths extolling the extraordinarily beautiful eggs your little birds have laid.
Nice one Matron.
Nice one Matron.
Hmm, april fools maybe :-) I wrapped the kitchen sprayer with elastic bands so my mom got soaked when she turned the water one. It was pretty funny but wasn't nearly as funny when she did it to me later that night!
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