What a fantastic year for
Bramley Apples! So many of mine are beginning to fall off the tree that it is time to pick them and store them. I only had to hold each apple and twist very gently and they were all just so ready to come off the tree that only a little breeze or a frost would have them all spoiled. Bramleys are the most famous British cooking apples. A bit too sharp to eat, but fantastic flavour for cooking. There is a British fruit grower
Ken Muir who offers for sale cuttings from the original apple tree which is still alive in a garden in Nottinghamshire. This tree was planted from a pip in about 1805 and is still going strong. What an interesting piece of history. I have picked mine now and I keep them spread on a mesh tray in the dark garage. Dark and cold is the secret for keeping apples...... now what to do with them all?
Our Bramley is having one of it's best years too! I picked the two biggest and blushiest and we baked them stuffed with raisins, sultanas, walnuts, muscavado sugar and butter. A fluffy, toffee flavoured yummy treat!
We've also had pork chops cooked with big chunks of Bramley and red onions - mmmmmm!
But loads left over - I grate some into my porridge for breakfast too.
It looks so delicious and beautiful do you know the botanical name? / LOL Tyra
I was was watching a gardening programme on TV the other day and it was said that apples can be stored in a a plastic bag. He said place the apples in a plastic bag pierce the bag with holes and store the bag in a dark cold place. He said that the plastic bag kept the apples moist which helped them last longer.
I've just made some lovely (even if I do say so myself!) apple and ginger jam - my husband eats porridge every day through the winter, and this jam adds to the warming nature of the breakfast - the apple and sugar bring the sweetness, while the ginger warms your throat and drives out any throat bugs on the way down!
I've just made an experimental batch of spiced apple jam - and it's lovely so I'm going to make lots more with some of the lbs of apples still left on my tree...will post the recipe soon on the blog.
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