Chicken Sitting!
Tikka (right) and Korma (left) are visiting again! This time they are banished to the lawn and borders and I am trying to keep them away from the veggie patch.
Matron grows vegetables and fruit in a Hampshire garden. I've been growing veggies since I was knee high to a grasshopper. Some traditional varieties and old favourites as well as new ideas. I share my garden with my allotment assistant Daisy the Labrador. On Twitter as @MatronsVeggies
Tikka (right) and Korma (left) are visiting again! This time they are banished to the lawn and borders and I am trying to keep them away from the veggie patch.
It's their revenge for you teasing them with that jar of sauce last time they visited!
Celia :-)
Fantastic! Hens have so much personality, I wish we could keep some. One of my best memories is of lifting plants at my parents' house with 2 hens eagerly pecking and scratting out the bus around me as I went along the row. And I envy you the asparagus (1st prize for most phallic vegetable!) We had some a couple of days ago but it was bought. Must get round to it.
Fresh and free from unwanted stuff!
Bon apetit!
Those eggs look great. I could use a few chickens to eat all the slugs in my cold frame. Nice chickens in action photos! PS. I have a photo up of broad bean buds that are just about to burst open, can't wait!
How fun! Nice for they to leave you a gift, too.
I didnt realise just how entertaining chickens are until I got my own. Now I love them to bits! Bring on the good life. Who knows what next? A pig maybe.....
What a breakfast! I'm sure you enjoyed it.
Chickens gone wild! LOL! They are quite the characters.
Love the breakfast.
I expected a runny chucky egg for dipping, that one would be too dry for me.
I forget who sent me in the way of your blog, but the Autopots are great. I am doing all of my outdoor veggies in Autopots this year. Best of luck, and hope the chickens don't scratch them up too much.
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