Planting out Leeks
Leeks are definitely slow growers. I bought this packet of F1 hybrid leeks 'Oarsman' after talking to a man from the National Vegetable Society last year at the RHS Wisley Autumn show.
Matron grows vegetables and fruit in a Hampshire garden. I've been growing veggies since I was knee high to a grasshopper. Some traditional varieties and old favourites as well as new ideas. I share my garden with my allotment assistant Daisy the Labrador. On Twitter as @MatronsVeggies
Leeks are definitely slow growers. I bought this packet of F1 hybrid leeks 'Oarsman' after talking to a man from the National Vegetable Society last year at the RHS Wisley Autumn show.
Just three of my tomato plants were safe in the greenhouse when all the rest were badly frosted a couple of weeks ago. You can see here there are some nice side shoots which I have left to take as cuttings.
While the rest of Britain is absorbed in the Chelsea Flower Show here in London, Matron thought she would have her own more exclusive event. You are welcome!
London has been bathed in hot sunshine for the past few days. The plants that I planted out in the ground have come on leaps and bounds just in a couple of days.
Last Tuesday's disaster with the sharp frost has dented my confidence a little. The temperatures in London today are almost up into the 70s and set to go higher this weekend. So I decided to be brave and start to plant out some tender veggies.
What will they come up with next. Did you know it is 'Be Nice to Nettles Week?' 19th - 30th May 2010. Well, that's what it says on the Be Nice to Nettles website. But that's 12 days, not a week!
People who enjoy gardening have to learn patience. If you sow a seed, sometimes you have to wait nearly a year before you reap the rewards. If you make a mistake (like leaving your tomatoes out on a frosty night..) you will have to wait a year and remember not to do it next time, meanwhile you live with your mistakes and attempt recovery.
London was colder than Moscow, Prague, Copenhagen or Stockholm on Tuesday night! Silly Matron forgot to take the tomato plants back into the greenhouse for the night. They have been hardening off nicely for the past couple of weeks, then temperatures plunged below zero and they caught the frost!