Matron's 2010 Dogblog!
Gosh! it's nearly September! where did the Summer go?
Matron grows vegetables and fruit in a Hampshire garden. I've been growing veggies since I was knee high to a grasshopper. Some traditional varieties and old favourites as well as new ideas. I share my garden with my allotment assistant Daisy the Labrador. On Twitter as @MatronsVeggies
Gosh! it's nearly September! where did the Summer go?
Gosh it was windy here in London yesterday!
This variety of sweetcorn does exactly what it says on the tin! This variety is 'Extra tender and sweet'. Many of these new improved varieties have similar names.
Such a dry Summer, this is the sum total of my purple potato harvest!
The first of Ollie's Sunflowers have just ripened. This time I managed to save one before the squirrels stole them! You might notice that the bottom side of this flower has a few bites out of it already!
This Spring I was fortunate to obtain some cucumber seeds from Mas Du Diable in a seed swap. The origins of this variety of cucumber are little known, but they are supposed to have been grown by one family in Bari, Italy for many generations.
I'm having lots of gluts at the moment! Piles of courgettes, tomatoes and runner beans accumulating on the draining board in the kitchen!
Last Spring you might remember that I left my tomatoes outside overnight during an unexpected late frost. Most of these tomatoes have made a full recovery.