My vegetable Mecca has to be the Model Vegetable Garden at the
RHS Garden, Wisley. If you are lucky enough you will see the chief vegetable gardener and he can answer any question you might pose - of a vegetable nature. We had an interesting conversation about New Zealand spinach today.

I had a peek inside one of their greenhouses, lots of interesting plants potted up ready to plant out.

The most wonderful rhubarb forcing pot made by the Yorkshire flower pot company.

I always love to compare sizes when I visit the vegetable garden at Wisley. I can't help it.

I had an idea while I was strolling around today. You see, I had such a wonderful time meeting with fellow gardening bloggers when I visited Seattle recently..I was wondering..

What do people think about the possibility of making a date to meet up with fellow gardening bloggers at Wisley? Would it spoil your illusions? I am just fielding the idea at the moment, but if enough people were interested could we find a date later in the Summer to meet up?

I might be up for a Wisley meet, depedning on dates, numbers etc. Will look out here for updates!
Good idea...I love the Wisley veggie garden too, but have never visited it at this time of year, always later when it (inevitably) outshines my feeble efforts.
I'm within half hour drive so would love to meet up.
Unfortunately a trip to the UK is not in my vacation plans - but oh I would love to visit that lovely garden and certainly would enjoy a garden chat with you too. I only began visiting your site just shortly after you returned from your pacific northwest visit ... which made me sad because that is where I am located and would have loved to have caught up with you here while you were visiting too. Oh well.
Definitely up for it, Matron. I live near Wisley, so it's dead easy for me. Patrick at Bifurcated Carrots organised a bloggers' day out last year, which was great fun. Having one at Wisley would be terrific.
It's a lovely idea and I'd love to support it.
If I can't make the long drive from Suffolk I'll send some Purple Podded Peas to represent me :-)
I've never visited the Model Veg Garden at Wisley - it looks fascinating. And I'm pleased to say the under-bench-area in my greenhouse is up to Wisley standards ;-)
I'm always up for it , fnarr fnarr .
You sensible one's can keep lookout whilst I go foraging for seeds in the compost bin.
Liberate the seed that's what I say.
That is a great garden and that rhubarb forcing pot is beautiful. I love visiting display gardens and it is even better if it is vegetable related.
That place makes me want to live there, just pitch a tent or some other sort of living abode right next to one of the garden beds! what a neat place!
You have been very busy. I first want to say the vegetable garden and those gooseberries with the rhubarb look super! I am small tiny gooseberries and wish mine were big like this.
Secondly-great on fresh chicken eggs!
Thirdly, you all should meet up. It would be most fun. Sounds like you have some support too. I think it so great you were able to come to America and meet up with garden bloggers. If I ever come back to England-I'll look you up too okay?
I love that rhubarb forcing bell jar! Puts my old barrel to shame, - but the lovely tender juicy red stalks are as delicious however they are forced.
Great postings...
Give me enough notice and I'll do my best to be there.
The Captain.
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