Apple Pie
I went out into the garage this week and the lovely smell of my stored apples hit me immediately. They seem to be doing fine, though I now have the urge to use some of them to make an apple pie!
Matron grows vegetables and fruit in a Hampshire garden. I've been growing veggies since I was knee high to a grasshopper. Some traditional varieties and old favourites as well as new ideas. I share my garden with my allotment assistant Daisy the Labrador. On Twitter as @MatronsVeggies
I went out into the garage this week and the lovely smell of my stored apples hit me immediately. They seem to be doing fine, though I now have the urge to use some of them to make an apple pie!
You might remember that Matron was in trouble last year when I was blogging about my tits... and my titbox. Apparently the blogger powers decided that this might be an unsavoury website and started the process of taking me offline! phew!
I sowed a few broad beans yesterday.
I had a wonderful time in Tromso, Norway. I was lucky enough to see the Northern Lights every night for three nights!
Matron is off to Tromso, Norway for a couple of days. I am hoping to catch a glimpse of the Northern Lights if I am lucky. If not there is tons to do up there in the Arctic Circle. You can bet that mushing a team of huskies will be high on the daytime agenda!
Did that get your attention? read on.. Once every 5 weeks I get off work early and decide to play 'Tourist in my own Town' Today I visited the new Ministry of Food exhibition at the Imperial War Museum in Lambeth.
At last there is light at the end of the tunnel! There are signs of Spring around all over the place!
This is the last of my Queensland Blue squash. You might remember that back in Spring I drew a smiley face in one of my baby pumpkins. Well, the corner of the smile started to soften slightly so I thought it was time to use it.