Who knows whether chitting works or not. I really don't think it makes a difference. Certainly the seed potatoes are on sale in the shops much earlier than the time for planting.

It was my intention to grow just two varieties this year. I just adore
'Epicure' potatoes. They are quite hard to find nowadays, a heritage variety that was popular in the 1950s. In my mind they are the best tasting new potato
ever - but they were the variety I remember growing every year on my Father's allotment when I was growing up. Perhaps it is nostalgia, but the flavour is superb. The next variety I bought is a late maturing potato
'Pink Fir Apple' just a wonderful waxy potato with a great taste. These are the two that I intended to buy.
While I was in the shop at RHS Wisley the other day another variety caught my eye.
'Shetland Black' is an old variety which has become more popular in recent years - and this got me thinking... I am going to grow
BLACK fruit and vegetables this year as a memorial to my lovely Buddy. The
'Buddy Morris Memorial Vegetable Patch'. So how many vegetables can I lay my hands on that have 'black' in the name? I have a tomato
'Black Cherry' and I think there is a tomato
'Black Trifele'... can anyone suggest more?