Blog readers will know that from time to time Matron likes to try growing something exotic. I have tried lemon grass, pineapple and sugar cane, and now I am seeing if I can grow
Today in the post I received a gift from the
DimSumGardener . This is
fresh turmeric, a relative of ginger which is the yellow powder commonly used in Asian cooking. These little roots have quite a few good growing points so I am hopeful that they might grow for me under the right conditions.

A quick check on google for propagation tips, then I planted them in a pot of seed compost in a heated propagator loosely covered with a plastic bag to keep some of the moisture in. I am really looking forward to seeing these grow.

Another kind gift from a fellow blogger last year was these
Colossal leek seeds. A heritage variety from the heritage seed library at
garden organic. I am a bit late sowing these, but they should be big enough to go into the ground in the Summer.

Here is the latest update on my
sugar cane. I repotted the shallow tray into a larger container this weekend. The roots had developed really well and were well and truly ready for potting on. Looking good!

I spent some time this weekend clearing out the greenhouse and potting up my
indoor tomatoes. I think that tomatoes do better for me in large pots in the greenhouse rather than in a growbag or an automated watering system. Pots or ring cultures give the tomato much more room to grow.

In one growbag I have put 3 ring cultures on top so that these tomatoes have a bit more space. Both growbag and pots are placed in a plastic tray to catch spare water. These tomato plants have their first truss of flowers, so I am beginning to feed them with a diluted high potash feed to help the fruits develop nicely.