Happy Birthday Buddy!
Buddy is 14 years old today!
Matron grows vegetables and fruit in a Hampshire garden. I've been growing veggies since I was knee high to a grasshopper. Some traditional varieties and old favourites as well as new ideas. I share my garden with my allotment assistant Daisy the Labrador. On Twitter as @MatronsVeggies
Buddy is 14 years old today!
What a nice doggy celebration! Glad he was up to a walkie. Best wishes - Paula
So glad to hear he's doing better ! Aw, just look at that face ... :)
Happy Birthday Buddy ! xx
Happy Birthday Buddy - glad you are on the mend!
Happy d-day Buddy! Glade to hear he is doing better.
Bobby says Happy Birthday Buddy. Pleased to see you are on the mend.
Happy birthday, lovely chap. I hope you continue to progress well.
Happy Birthday to Buddy... just wonder what's his birthday present... ~bangchik
Happy Birthday dear boy, cuddles and a snuggle for you.
His photo is so dear. I pray he will be 100 % soon.
Happy birthday from Annie, Otto and Granny! My, what a handsome man you are. We're delighted to hear you are feeling better today.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BUDDY!!! Give him a tickle from me and maybe an extra biscuit ;) Hope the recovery is steady and continous xx
Lucky says:
"Happy Birthday to Buddy!
Keep getting better young fella!
Lucky turns 16 this year!
Happy Birthday Buddy. What a sweet face you have. I hope you are back to normal soon.
Glad to learn he is progressing well!
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