Strawberry Jam
There is nothing Matron likes better than home made strawberry jam.
Matron grows vegetables and fruit in a Hampshire garden. I've been growing veggies since I was knee high to a grasshopper. Some traditional varieties and old favourites as well as new ideas. I share my garden with my allotment assistant Daisy the Labrador. On Twitter as @MatronsVeggies
There is nothing Matron likes better than home made strawberry jam.
I've had some germination problems with these Salford Black Beans
You can just smell the vitamins in this little lot!
A combination of bright sunshine and heavy rain has really brought things on in the last week.
I picked three and a half pounds of strawberries yesterday! They are coming thick and fast at the moment with these alternate days of bright sunshine followed by rain showers. There is a fear that because the strawberry harvest has been so early this year, that when the tennis at Wimbledon starts next week all the British crop will have gone and we will be importing strawberries from Europe! Shame!
You know it is June when you are picking strawberries and broad beans!
I dug some of my first Epicure new potatoes yesterday!
The strawberries are coming thick and fast now!
There's a new kid on the plot! I know I appreciated some comments and encouragement when I started all those years ago. These continuing blogger problems are still making it impossible for me to comment on other blogs so why not go over to Growth Spurts and leave a comment.
Raspberries are masters of disguise! To look at the raspberries from a distance you can just see green leaves. I suppose this might fool a passing blackbird from a distance, but this is why I missed these beauties ripening underneath.