It's War!

All this wet weather has been perfect for slugs and snails. Just so annoying when they take great big mouthfulls out of your prize veggies.
The snails have taken a habit of climbing up into my broad beans to help themselves. I have never seen broad beans attacked so much as they are this year.All sorts of slugs, pale slugs,
Grey slugs with orange bottoms!
Fencepost slugs!
Not forgetting the snails! I think it is time for war to begin!
I'm afraid it's a war that is stacked against us.
They're so annoying, all of my squash and pumpkin plants have been devoured by these critters, even with slug pellets sprinkled around them. I guess the rain is washing most of them away. So to try something else...
I had a thought reading your don't suppose snails eat the black fly/black aphid on broad beans? Just wondering...seems they just eat greens...but like I said...just wondering... I didn't notice any black fly on your broadbeans. Mine...say no more!
With the drought we been having slugs and snails have not been a problem this year. Had a ground beetle blister bug swarm that defoliated my tomatoes though. Luckily it ended before they did permanent damage.
Good luck on your war I am routing for ya!!!
Here's an old Missouri Rebel Yell in support:
You might win the occasional battle Matron but I wouldn't give odds on you winning the war ;)
That's a lot of creepy crawlies! I could use some of your rain, the soil is dust here.
We fight the good fight against slugs and snails too! Everytime we think we are winning and put down our guard....they come back with a bigger army.
Slugs are a real problem, But at my allotment I've found they're hiding somewhere nearby in a nest, under a slab? In some growth?
I have seen the first of the big and small snails in my garden this year! Where did they come from? I bet petunia the snake doesn't eat them as easily as slugs. I'm sure you will say I'm in for it now.
I have seen the first of the big and small snails in my garden this year! Where did they come from? I bet petunia the snake doesn't eat them as easily as slugs. I'm sure you will say I'm in for it now.
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