January Tomatoes
As yet another covering of snow falls on London overnight I want to look forward to the wonders in store this Summer. Just dare to look at these watery, insipid, tasteless and pale January tomatoes!.. and dream...
Matron grows vegetables and fruit in a Hampshire garden. I've been growing veggies since I was knee high to a grasshopper. Some traditional varieties and old favourites as well as new ideas. I share my garden with my allotment assistant Daisy the Labrador. On Twitter as @MatronsVeggies
As yet another covering of snow falls on London overnight I want to look forward to the wonders in store this Summer. Just dare to look at these watery, insipid, tasteless and pale January tomatoes!.. and dream...
I tend to do without tomatoes from the supermarket, I only buy them occasionally, because as you say, they are just so tasteless. I can't wait to get my tomato seed sown.
There really is no comparison. Orange tennis balls - or juicy tomatoes with just that right amount of sugar to acid ratio? Tough choice - not!
I am sick-to-death-tired of winter already and am ready for spring.
It always feels like a long wait, doesn't it? But nothing you can buy can beat the taste of home-grown - that's why we all do it!
The second photograph has increased my yearning several folds. seriously, there can be no comparison between the two varieties. Wishing you warmer days ahead.
Oh the humanity! Oh horror, horror, horror.
To think. They actually allow those things to be called 'tomatoes.'
Have they no shame?
We have had hardly any winter weather so far and I am already sick of winter. Bring on the summer tom's!
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