Preparing Pumpkins
I still have a couple of pumpkins left. This one is one of the Rouge Vif D'Etamps which I hand pollinated to ensure it comes true next year.
Matron grows vegetables and fruit in a Hampshire garden. I've been growing veggies since I was knee high to a grasshopper. Some traditional varieties and old favourites as well as new ideas. I share my garden with my allotment assistant Daisy the Labrador. On Twitter as @MatronsVeggies
I still have a couple of pumpkins left. This one is one of the Rouge Vif D'Etamps which I hand pollinated to ensure it comes true next year.
Last Winter I discovered a new treat! I found these fresh flowers/fruits in a West Indian shop. These are the product of a tropical hibiscus flower and they are used all over the West Indies and other parts of the world to make a wonderful syrup.
I live in hope... that one day when I pull at that perfectly round top, that there will be a perfectly straight carrot under the soil!
I still have a few of my Winter squash doing fine indoors.
You know Spring cannot be far round the corner when the first parcel of seeds arrive in the post!
As yet another covering of snow falls on London overnight I want to look forward to the wonders in store this Summer. Just dare to look at these watery, insipid, tasteless and pale January tomatoes!.. and dream...
Thank you all for your kind comments and wishes for Buddy.
It's time once again to play 'tourist in my own town' I work a half day once every 5 weeks so I take advantage of being in a wonderful city.
London comes to a shuddring halt again today with only a few inches of snow!
I grew some Bulgarian Giant Leeks from seed this year, having seen them in a catalogue and thought they looked like a fun thing to grow.
Buddy is 14 years old today!